Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just catching up...

Well, it's been a while...I still have a hard time posting often, but hopefully it will get better. Part of the problem is no one knows about it, except my friend Mrs. Benson. I was inspired by her comments so I thought I would post again. We have had quite the busy last few weeks. Thanksgiving holidays start Wednesday, so just one more day of school. We'll be 'on the road again' traveling between families. We went to Dillsboro, NC to ride the Peanuts Great Pumpkin Patch Express. The trip was fun and we took lots of good pictures. My girls are growing up so fast. They are each so unique in their own way. My oldest completed a school assignment today with a drawing and written statement about what she was thankful for...get a tissue....she said, "I am thankful for my redheaded family". Each person had their characteristics in place. She's only 5! What a blessing! I am so thankful for my redheaded family too, and for the one's who weren't blessed with red hair too! I am thankful for friends too, a great job, a wonderful husband, and the best dog in the world. Until next time, keep smiling keep singing and certainly keep laughing...mrs. p

1 comment:

natalie said...

Man, oh, man...that Sweet P is too much. I hope M has as much personality as your sweet girls. M is all about "Thoma va Twain" right now, so she would have LOVED the train ride! (Is that what the Great Pumpkin Patch Express is?)

We miss you! We're leaving Wednesday, so we won't be around this weekend if you come this way. We'll definitely catch up over Christmas! We miss you!